Senate Finance Committee Hearing

This hearing is a follow up to the investigation by the Senate Finance and Senate HELP Committee into some of the largest teen treatment providers including Acadia Health Services, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, Universal Health Services, and Vivant Behavioral Healthcare (formerly Sequel).

We are grateful to Senator Wyden, Senator Murray and the Finance and HELP Committee for investigating these facilities and bringing light to the horrific abuse, neglect and deaths that occur at the hands of these Troubled Teen Industry providers.

Submit Written Testimony

Any individual or organization wanting to present their views for inclusion in the hearing record, please adhere to the following guidelines. You can submit testimony even if you are not present in person, the Committee is looking for as many submissions as possible!

OPTION 1: Survivors, fill out a form with your lived experience! We need your voice.

Think of Us, 11:11 Media, and several partners are seeking lived experts to share their stories and testimonies with policymakers about their experience in youth residential treatment facilities. We will gather your words, stories, and insights and share them with the Senate Finance Committee and submit as testimony to the official hearing record.

Please complete the form here by Monday, June 10 at 11:59pm EST.

Questions? Please contact Think of Us at OR join their optional office hours Friday, June 7 from 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET at this zoom link (Zoom Meeting ID: 897 0088 1450, Passcode: 352857)

OPTION 2: Email Written Testimony Directly to Committee


  • Use our handy template to get started

  • Single-spaced

  • Maximum 10 pages in length

  • Must include your full name and address as well as the title and date of the hearing on the first page of your statement or it will not be considered; information found here.

  • Email your testimony in a Word document (no other file type will be accepted) to the Committee

  • Statements must be received no later than two weeks following the conclusion of the hearing.


  • If you need further assistance, please contact

Please email your statement to:;

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • In July 2022, Senator Patty Murray and Senator Ron Wyden launched an investigation into the 4 largest youth residential treatment providers after having serious concerns following reports of child abuse and neglect. The investigation is driven by the senators' commitment to ensuring that youth receive compassionate, safe, and effective care. They want to address the systemic issues that lead to abuse and neglect and ensure that residential treatment facilities meet the needs of the vulnerable populations they serve.

    The Senate Finance Committee Hearing in Washington D.C on June 12th will cover the findings of their investigation. Due to the areas covered in the investigation, we can assume the hearing will cover the following:

    Reports of Abuse and Neglect: There have been multiple reports of mistreatment, inappropriate use of restraint and seclusion, staffing shortages, and insufficient mental health and educational services.

    Historical Issues: Past reports by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) have highlighted persistent problems, including untrained staff, inadequate nutrition, and negligent practices.

    Impact on Youth: Harmful experiences reported by youth include overmedication, poor nutrition, lack of socialization, inadequate education, and restrictions on personal freedoms.

  • The Senate Finance Committee Hearing will be in Washington D.C. on June 12th at 10am ET.

  • There is room for approximately 25 survivors to attend the hearing in person and will need to RSVP to secure a seat in the hearing room. First come, first serve. You will be notified if you are one of the 25 people who will attend in person.

    Without RSVPing, you will not have access to critical information about location, timing, and events.

  • If you have not already, please secure all travel and lodging for your trip to Washington D.C.

    Everyone who has RSVP’d will receive an email from 11:11 with further information.

  • Anyone is able to submit written testimony but we particularly encourage survivors or their families of Acadia Health Services, Deveraux Advanced Behavioral Health, Universal Health Services, and Vivant Behavioral Healthcare (formerly Sequel) facilities.